Find Your Focus at SHAPE

23 May 2024

Dr Amantha Imber is an organisational psychologist and an expert at helping people thrive at work by being happier, healthier and more productive. Her voice demands attention. Amantha hosts the top-ranking podcast, ‘How I Work’ and has worked with huge organisations, including Apple, Disney, Google, and LEGO. Her consultancy has helped these businesses reinvent the way they approach work, become more productive, and grow through innovation. In August, RCSA members will have the opportunity to soak up Amantha’s expertise, when she presents at the SHAPE Conference in sunny Noosa.

“Recruitment is such an interesting industry", says Amantha.

“Recruiters have a great overview of what's happening in the job market, they've got their finger on the pulse. It is exciting working with staffing organisations because being at the coalface of the world of work, they are rich in insights. I can’t wait to present at SHAPE and share tips that will help leaders and managers get the most out of their teams.”

When Amantha takes the podium, she will deliver science backed strategies to turbo-charge productivity and improve wellbeing in the workplace. Her session, ‘Find Your Focus’ will teach the audience how to get more out of the day and make a greater impact during working hours.

“I’ll be going over several practical improvement strategies that boost productivity and improve wellbeing at the same time. They are tools leaders can pass onto their teams to drive results.

“In the current environment there are some big themes and areas that people are struggling with. Hybrid working is one space that organisations are finding hard to manage and cost cutting is also putting people and companies under pressure. Retrenchments have become more prevalent, so it is important that workplaces have the strategies to deal with exhaustion, burnout and overwhelm, says Dr Imber.

“Another area that is having a disruptive impact on productivity is uncertainty and confusion around AI. It is as though people are in a kind of paralysis. They know they should be doing something with AI, but it’s such a big space it can feel overwhelming.

“With the right focus and tools, any organisation can improve its productivity, but leaders really need to walk the talk to change the norm for their team.”

Amantha’s session is a MUST. Her voice is widely and internationally revered. Her thoughts have appeared in Harvard Business Review, Forbes Entrepreneur and Fast Company, she is the author of three international bestselling books and winner of the 2021 Thinkers50 Innovation award.

“My presentation will be interactive. It won’t be a one-way lecture. I will put the audience to work so they can get the most out of my session.”

Tickets for SHAPE are on sale now.